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Educational Videos

What is an educational video and why does it matter?

Learning about a new service or product through a company’s website is pretty standard, but learning about it through video seems to have become even more of a priority for today’s consumers. If you want to catch their attention and drive home your message in a way that has maximum impact, you need educational videos. And here’s why A study conducted by Google showed that people retain 90% of what they see and 50% of what they hear. When we hear something, we often forget half of it—especially if other things are going on around us at the time (like having a conversation with someone else). So if you present someone with information verbally, chances are they won’t remember as much as if they saw it visually. This is why educational videos are so effective: They provide consumers with a visual experience that allows them to learn without getting distracted. It also makes it easier for them to take action when they’re ready because you’ve already given them all of the information they need. The bottom line? Make sure your company has an educational video on its website!

Why Choose us?
An educational video can help potential clients understand how you can solve their problems. It’s engaging, fun, and sets your company apart from competitors. If done well, it could be shared on social media sites or embedded in other websites to drive traffic back to your website. Educational videos have been shown to increase leads by up to 50%. The choice of CineVire can be a game-changer for your brand. Because our team of professional animators work with you every step of the way to create a video that is informative and visually appealing. We specialize in creating high-quality animated videos for businesses of all sizes across all industries. Our animations are also fully customizable so that they match your brand identity perfectly!

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